Kera Wooten
Kera Wooten

Kera Wooten has been promoted to Director of Dining Services at Ashby Ponds in Virginia, a retirement community managed by Erickson Living. Wooten has worked with Erickson Living in a variety of capacities for nearly 14 years.

As the Director of Dining Services at Ashby Ponds, Wooten will oversee a staff of over 130 employees including chefs, restaurant managers, service managers, catering staff, and servers. 

She has more than 17 years of experience. Before Erickson, she worked at Marriott International-Senior Living Services in Wilmington, DE and Fort Belvoir, VA. In 2000, she began working at Erickson Living’s Greenspring, where she served as a service manager, staff development manager and restaurant manager. She was named Greenspring’s Employee of the Year. She joined Ashby Ponds in 2013.

Wooten received her bachelor’s degree from Delaware State University. She has been a board member for the Ronald McDonald House of Northern Virginia.